Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB)
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4K : Mobile Broadband Kit in Action

14522965_10205894558923430_8864173558545269196_nOctober 9, 2016

4K Solutions experienced an area neighborhood electrical transformer explosion that knocked out all power and internet services.

We were able to restore internet services for our own business with our 4K  Solutions Mobile Broadband Kit. This was our customer demo kit that we had on-hand.

It worked just like we designed it!

Long running kit; GoalZero Sherpa 100 battery powered CradlePoint IBR1100LPE-VZ router.


Electrical sub-contractors working on the electrical system.







4K Solutions’ Mobile Broadband Kit running on the Verizon LTE network providing emergency internet services for our company during a power outage.

4K Solutions is an authorized partner of GoalZero & CradlePoint Technology.

Contact us today to order your Mobile Broadband Kit.





Filed under  Products 


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