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4K takes on TechNet Bragg 2017

April 24 2017

4K Solutions will have boots-on-the-ground at TechNet Bragg fom 25-26 April of this week in Fayetteville, NC.

Come on down and learn about the best-of-breed technologies from our vendor partners that cover Cyber Security, 4G/LTE amplifiers and broadband, video teleconference, baseband and executive comms, CSfC, ROIP, uninterruptible power, Line-of-Site systems, high frequency radios and LMR repeaters.

We look forward to seeing and speaking with you this week.

Key Technologies from…

ForeScout Technologies (NAC & Network Visibility)

Motorola Solutions (Radio Over IP)

Klas Telecom Government

Vocality (Radio over ip gateway)

CradlePoint 4G/LTE broadband

Kopis Mobile (Jump Management System aka Fastform 1306)

CradlePoint Technology


Gridless Power


Codan Radio Communications

Cambium Networks


Filed under  Events 


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