News & Updates
News, updates and announcements from 4K Solutions®Mobile Broadband Kit (MBK-SMF) with FirstNet® Shield MegaFI
October 24, 2023: Midland, Georgia 4K Solutions®, the global leader in 5G and FirstNet® Mobile Broadband Kits – MBK®, is an...
Mobile Radio Gateway (MRG) Contract Awarded to 4K Solutions
October 11, 2023: Midland, Georgia 4K Solutions®, has been awarded and delivered to a US Federal Law Enforcement Agency a...
4K Solutions to Provide Private 5G Network to US Army
September 1, 2023: Midland, Georgia 4K Solutions®, has been awarded a large US Army contract to provide a private 5G mobile...
4K Solutions New Cisco Based MBK-1835
PRESS RELEASE AUGUST 29, 2023: 4K Solutions®, the “Global Leader in Mobile Broadband Kits” is proud to announces the...
4K Solutions Awarded National Guard Contract for LMR Radio Kits
August 22, 2023: Midland, Georgia 4K Solutions®, has received a large contract for our Land Mobile Radio (LMR) Kits to support...