News & Updates
News, updates and announcements from 4K Solutions®4K Solutions® Delivers MRZR Tactical Integrated Communications Suite (TICS)
Tactical Comms on the Move (COTM) by 4K Solutions!
5G Mobile Broadband Kits Support International Partner Force
February 24, 2023: 4K Solutions®, the global leader in 5G deployable portable kits is proud to have received a large follow-on...
4K Solutions Delivers Dual 5G MBK’s to US Homeland Defense Customer
February 17, 2023: 4K Solutions®, the global leader in Commercial Cellular for Transport (CCfT) portable kits is proud to have...
4K Solutions Awarded U.S. Army MRZR Tactical Vehicle Communications Contract
January 26, 2023: 4K Solutions®, is proud to have received and delivered a U.S. Army contract for five of our custom Tactical...
4K Solutions Supports Private 5G Cellular Lab for Texas University
December 6, 2022: 4K Solutions®, is proud to have received and delivered a contract to America’s Leading Hispanic-Serving...